Hopped Up Beer Review: Dos Equis Lager Especial by Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma 4.2% ABV / 10 IBU #beer #cincodemayo

Welcome to Hopped Up where we give you our unprofessional and somewhat biased review of the beer we are drinking!

It’s Macro Monday!!!

Big thanks to Dan @FLXBeerReviews for joining us on this episode. Be sure to check out Dan & Mike on their channel and beyond!

FLX Beer Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/@UCnI-tLW4dEdUR93mZbOwhgQ

Dos Equis: https://dosequis.com/

If you have a beer you would like for us to review, leave us a comment and we will do our best to find it!

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Let us know what you think and be sure to like and subscribe!

🍻 Put a beer in your face and Cheers Mates! 🍻

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HoppedUp BR

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